College + Netflix Creative Jam LIVE — MovieNite

Adobe Creative Jam LIVE is a virtual event where teams compete in a tournament using Adobe XD and Adobe Creative Cloud. The competition is based around a theme with industry professionals giving talks and advice. This Creative Jam was centered around Netflix, with a theme surrounding community and how we can celebrate shared stories through communal and authentic experiences.



Adobe XD

Adobe After Effects


2 days

Problem Space

"How might we help families and friends utilize this platform and share their experience with content such as series television shows and movies they love?"

Our Solution

MovieNite is a desktop application with the aim to unite people from around the world on a single streaming platform. This app fosters inclusion and diversity by allowing users to engage with one another and share their views and opinions on curated content. When watching series television shows and movies on current streaming apps, users lack the ability to contact each other by voice or through face-to-face interactions — MovieNite mitigates this problem by providing a seamless streaming experience that allows users to communicate in real-time via any method they choose. The simplicity in the design of this platform facilitates straightforward navigation within the app, and the dark theme guides the users’ attention to streaming content and call-to-actions. With this app, users are encouraged to schedule movie “dates” with family and friends, join community watch parties, learn about each other through the messenger feature, and ultimately share a valuable experience together.

Staying Connected

Social distancing has kept us indoors and away from group activities, such as going to the movie theatres with friends/family or having watch parties for the newest seasons of a series television show. We wanted to provide users with the ability to engage in realtime conversations before, during or afterwards while watching content with friends remotely. Users have the decision to change from video chat, message chat, or voice call.

Let's Go On A Movie Date!

The calendar section allows users to schedule and join small communities and larger worldwide watch parties. Users can schedule movies/shows with a friend or a group. This allows users to plan out their movie-filled days and keep track on what shows to catch up on with their friends.

What Should We Watch Next?

The homepage section allows users to discover content by way of other metadata, such as new releases, movie star ratings, and running times. It’s easy. Users pick a movie or television show to stream and directly invite their friends. The playback will then sync across all accounts so users will be watching simultaneously.

Key Takeaways

This 2 day competition was rewarding for me as a designer. MovieNite aims to help families and friends share a valuable experience through streaming television shows and movies together. The time constraint also taught us how to recognize and utilize our individual strengths as a team where we divided up tasks to be more efficient. Here’s a few things I’ve learned over the short term UX design competition.

Create a schedule — It is important to be productive and finish before the deadline of a competition. Implementing a task schedule helps avoid having two designers working on the same screens simultaneously.

There’s no time to waste — Since there was a 2 day time constraint, we divided up the user flow experience between each designer and came together at the end of the first day to include UI elements and early stages of prototyping. This allowed us to maximize our productivity as a team.

Have fun — Given a theme, we had a lot of fun bouncing ideas off each other and making them into a reality. This competition put our creative skills to the test and helped us grow as designers.

Thank you for reading!